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About this Human Body Weight Simulation

How this simulation works (the advanced version)

Human Weight Gain/Loss, Items of Consideration:

- Every human burns t calories each day (t = BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate).

- If the caloric intake is less than t then the human's weight goes down
	and if the intake is more than t, weight goes up.

- For the average human there a way to find the number of pounds the person will gain in a day
	based on their BMR and their intake on that day.

- The weight gain/loss equals (intake - t)/3500 (in pounds).
	e.g. if t = 2000 and intake = 9000 then (9000 - 2000)/3500 = 7000/3500 = 2 pounds

- To determine the caloric intake for a given day a standard rule of thumb is: 
	the transit time though the digestive system for any solid food item is 
	24 hours. So 24 hours after x calories are consumed, x calories can be
	considered part of the caloric intake for that day.

- A basic simulation taking into account these items can have these paramaters:
	- durration of simulation in days
	- number of times the person will eat per day
	- max number of grams they will eat at each meal (a number from 0 to max
		would be choosen randomly for each meal).
	- max number of calories per gram of food item (a number from 0 to max
		would be choosen randomly for each meal).
	- For BMR:
		- age of the person in years
		- height of the person in inches
		- weight of the person in pounds
		- gender
		- exercise/activity multiplier coming soon

- Side effects: 
	An eating pattern that would eventually lead to death
	could be identified by the simulation.
	e. g. if the simulation is run for 30 days with max grams = 100 and max calories = 2.0
	then the simulation will almost certainly show a weight loss. If run for 300 days
	the simulation may show a weight that is physically impossible, which means that the
	person died at some time durring the simulation.
- Limitations:
	- This simulation does not take into account any types of health conditions, diseases or other
	medical factors which which do not affect average humans.
	- This simulation is not currently suitable for simulating the body weight of people who are 
	still growing taller including infants, babies, children and teen-aged who are still growing in height.